JE's residence

arctitudesign values ​​that a home should be comfortable and warm: It's classic, it never goes out of style, and it is soothing. “Beige creates that sense of calmness and tranquility, Coastal colors reflect the family character. arctitudesign 重視一個家應該是舒適和溫暖的:它是經典的,它永遠不會過時,它是舒緩的。 「米色營造出平靜和安寧的感覺,海岸色彩體現家庭的性格。
Bellagio 碧堤半島 @Sham Tseng 深井
2024 -/+ 800 sqft
| Coastal | 海岸 | The design inspiration comes from the residential nearby the "Anglers' Beach". The female homeowner, who has lived in Australia, feels nostalgic for the Australian coastline and is fond of the famous the Pink Beache of Komodo Island in Indonesia. Natural mineral paint made in Italy was specially used to create the effect of natural sand and gravel in a smooth manner. 設計靈感來自其住宅單位鄰近「釣魚灣泳灘」,而曾在澳洲生活的女戶主很懷念澳洲的海岸,及喜歡印尼科莫多島很出名的粉紅色海灘。 特意使用在意大利製造的天然礦物質塗料以批盪方式呈現出天然沙石的效果。
| IMMERSIVE | 沉浸式 | Curved corners and a hidden bathroom door maximum a seamless surfaces, enabling a strong connection to the surroundings. We prioritize natural lighting reduce among of artificial illumination. The interior colors change from serene blue during sunrise to warm orange at sunset, creating a captivating ambiance. arctitudesign approach respects and celebrates nature, offering a space that immerses occupants in a serene and ever-changing environment. 弧形角落和隱藏式浴室門最大化地形成了無縫表面,與周圍環境緊密連接。我們優先考慮自然採光,減少人工照明。室內呈現出從日出時的寧靜藍到日落時的溫暖橙顏色,營造出迷人的氛圍。 arctitudesign 的設計方法尊重和頌揚自然,提供一個讓人沉浸在寧靜而不斷變化的環境中的空間。