GW's residence

Alexander Suen implemented the minimalist environmental design style that he excelled with experiences in Australia. reconfigured space arrange of these 50-year-old apartment unit become more efficient and maximum the relationship with surrounding exterior environment.This cozy home flexibly changing the layout, the dining area and kitchen area connected to the living area which broaden the space for activities, guide the natural light and fresh air evenly distributed throughout the space delicately. 在灣仔區半山肇輝臺的設計中Alexander貫徹他在澳大利亞擅長的簡約環境設計風格,為這近50年樓齡的單位在經過重新的空間佈局之後,除了視覺上煥然一新之外亦變得更加實用。這個溫暖舒適的家靈活重組了生活區用餐區與開放式廚房的佈局,讓活動空間更加寬闊之餘,亦引導更充足自然光線和新鮮空氣能夠均勻分佈在整個空間。
Golden Fair Mansion (金輝大廈) @肇輝臺