Arctitudesign, a distinguished team of interior architects and designers, boasts a collection of accolades from both Australia and Hong Kong. Rooted in Australian cultural influences, our design ethos leans towards an 'uncontrived' aesthetic—marked by leisurely, casual, and authentic styles over pristine formality. Drawing inspiration from lifestyle, climate, and surroundings, our approach embodies a seamless fusion of indoor and outdoor spaces bathed in natural light, paired with quality yet relaxed furnishings. This design philosophy resonates well in the bustling urban landscape of Hong Kong, offering a refreshing escape from the city's fast-paced and demanding lifestyle. By prioritizing a relaxed and informal ambiance, Arctitudesign's work cultivates a tranquil and laid-back atmosphere within residential and commercial spaces. Their emphasis on creating spaces that are both calming and inviting aligns perfectly with the need for a peaceful retreat amidst the chaos of city living.

arctitudesign 是由在國際獲得了一系列讚譽室內建築師和設計師組成的傑出團隊。植根於澳洲文化影響,我們的設計理念傾向於「自然」美學 - 以悠閒、休閒和真實的風格為標誌,而不是原始的正式風格。我們的設計理念從生活方式、氣候和周圍環境中汲取靈感,體現了沐浴在自然光下的室內和室外空間的無縫融合,並配有優質而輕鬆的家具。

這個設計理念與香港繁華的城市景觀產生了很好的共鳴,為人們提供了逃離城市快節奏和高要求生活方式的清新之地。透過優先考慮輕鬆和非正式的氛圍,arctitudesign 的作品在住宅和商業空間中營造出寧靜和悠閒的氛圍。他們強調創造既平靜又誘人的空間,這與在混亂的城市生活中獲得寧靜休憩的需求完美契合。


All ProjectsNo pomp, no trendy gimmicks, no dissonant elements attempting to make an unwise statements in the space.

At arctitudesign, we adopt a "holistic" approach to interior design, prioritizing individual well-being and encompassing people's thoughts, bodies, and spirits. Our aim is to create aesthetically pleasing environments that not only captivate visually but also serve as a comfortable, stress-free living. We firmly believe in the interconnectedness between the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of occupants' health, and our projects exemplify this philosophy.

"Our projects are examples of attitudes rather than designs."



| Simplicity |

In our practice, we eschew passing trends, recognizing that true value lies in "simplicity". We understand that simplicity does not imply an easy path, but rather the pursuit of well-designed creations built to endure. We cherish the artistry of craftsmanship and the ambiance it creates. Our spaces reject pomp, trendy gimmicks, and dissonant elements, opting instead for a balance that evokes serenity without sacrificing style. Keep life simple, and serenity will gracefully accompany you, for our aim is simple yet far from plain or boring.

|簡單 | 我們避開「潮流」並認識到真正的價值在於「簡單」。我們明白,簡單並不意味著一條容易的道路,而是追求經久耐用的精心設計的創作。我們珍惜工藝的藝術性及其所創造的氛圍。我們的空間拒絕浮誇、時尚的噱頭和不和諧的元素,選擇在不犧牲風格的情況下喚起「寧靜」。生活簡單,寧靜就會優雅地陪伴你,因為我們的目標簡單,但絕不是平淡或乏味。